
Six Words That Could Change Your Life

When was the last time you seriously thought about life and how you want to live it?   At the beginning of every year, many of us make a list of resolutions and then quickly forget them.  Sure, we have great intentions of losing weight, quitting smoking, staying fit, riding more, or spending less money, but sadly only 8% of us keep the resolutions we make.  Why is that? Maybe we’d be more successful if we didn't put so much pressure on ourselves by waiting for some ball to drop in Times Square before getting started.  We shouldn’t wait on a “new” year or some arbitrary date on a calendar to begin making incremental changes in our lives.  We should commit to making those changes in the moment and work on implementing them one-step at a time, one-day at a time. Unfortunately, sometimes our outlook on life and our mental framework holds us back. So where does that leave us? We need a NEW outlook.

While riding back from a bike blessing on New Year’s Day, I had an epiphany. In moment of quiet solitude, I realized that life could be simpler and I could set myself up for success by embracing the ideals behind six small but powerful words…Live Free. Ride Hard. Be Happy.  These words are powerful because they can transform your outlook on life and give you a new lens with which to view the world.  Think about it for a moment…

Live Free

Living free means having the ability to choose your own path and living with the consequences of your choices.  You are responsible for yourself…you decide who you want to be, where you want to go, and how you want to get there.  You must hold yourself accountable for your successes and failures.  When something doesn't turn out the way you planned, don't blame someone else.  It is not your father’s, your mother’s, your sister’s, your brother’s, your spouse’s, and certainly not your government’s fault…or responsibility.  When you abdicate responsibility for your life to someone or something else, you are no longer truly free.  Cherish your freedom!

Ride Hard

Riding hard means riding your motorcycle and living life with balls-to-the wall gusto.  It requires focus, determination, and perseverance. When the road gets long you can’t be distracted by the unimportant, you have to dig-deep and give your best effort mile after mile.   Never give-up!

Be Happy

Being happy means having a good attitude and looking for the positive. In today’s world that can be difficult, but it’s a choice that you can make. Being happy is a frame of mind. Frown less and smile more.  Build lasting friendships and be optimistic about life.  When thrown into a room full of horseshit and a shovel, look for the pony.  Remember, happiness is a choice.  Be happy!

So, what did you resolve to do this year?  If you’re like most, chances are you’ve already given up (I hope that isn’t the case), but, if your struggling with change try looking at life through a different lens.  Harness the transformative power of…Live Free. Ride Hard. Be Happy.


Resource Links
  1. http://www.statisticbrain.com/new-years-resolution-statistics/
  2. http://www.livescience.com/42272-this-is-why-you-wont-keep-your-new-years-resolution.html
  3. http://www.papsy.org/index.php/psychological-news-you-can-use/why-dont-we-keep-new-years-resolutions.html
  4. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tasha-eurich-phd/new-years-resolutions_b_4512944.html
  5. http://www.wikihow.com/Be-Happy


  1. Curt,

    On Jan 1, 2011 I set out to lose weight. I lost 65 lbs and for the most part, I've kept it off. I also dumped my abusive spouse, which made all the difference in keeping the weight off, as well as brought me back to life again.

    Jan 1, 1989 I got clean and sober. I had a relapse and after 6 months of drinking I restarted again Feb 9, 1993 and I've been clean and sober ever since. This Feb makes 21 years.

    Those are the only two resolutions I've ever kept, but I'd say they are darn good ones. Resolutions can be great if they come at a time when a person is ready to change their lives. That of course, doesn't mean it has to be Jan 1. You make an excellent point that anytime is the right time to make a huge change, if you're ready.

    Commitment is the key.

    Living free, as it turns out, is so much harder than we think. It goes so deep, as we are so entrenched with one another in ways we cannot imagine. But realizing what is ours and what belongs to another is so crucial in defining our ability change ourselves. The more I tear away, the more I realize I was the one holding on.

    Thanks for such a great article!


  2. Sash,

    Congrats on all your accomplishments! Comittment is key and I agree living free is harder than we might think...but we have to try because that's where we find true happiness. I wish you the best in all your endeavors. Live Free. Ride Hard. Be Happy!

