
Which Would You Prefer…Politically Correct Pansy or Rude Biker Chick?

Everywhere we turn, we’re told to watch what we say because someone might be offended.  Whatever happened to, “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”?  I think we’ve become overly sensitive and much too focused on conformity.  This isn’t good.  Conformists are easily controlled…and a controlled society is never truly free.

Tina "Sash" Walker
Fortunately, most motorcycle riders would never be labeled as conformists.  For most of history, bikers have been viewed as quintessential non-conformists.  Bikers love freedom and generally aren’t receptive to being told what to do, where to go, or what to say. Bikers enjoy expressing their individuality. You can see this in their clothes, their body art, and their bikes.  They have a different outlook and nowhere is this more evident than in the life of Tina “Sash” Walker.

Although I’ve never met Tina in-person, I consider her a friend.  She’s a wife, mother, soon-to-be-grandmother, entrepreneur, and self-proclaimed Rude Biker Chick.  After reading her blog for a while, you’ll know she lives up to the Rude Biker Chick moniker.   Tina tells it like it is.  She doesn’t sugar coat anything and she isn’t afraid to share the deep and emotional life experiences that have made her the woman she is today.  Tina’s language and writing style are far from politically correct; in fact, many may find her use of four letter words a little shocking.  But don’t let her language and tough Rude Biker Chick exterior fool you, Tina Walker has a kind heart.

I Don't Need Permission
Tina is all about empowerment. In her first year of riding her own motorcycle, she and her husband, Steve, rode across the U.S. twice.  During their adventure, Tina had an opportunity to share riding stories with men and women riders across the country.  She learned a lot about herself and discovered how empowering riding a motorcycle can be...especially to women.  Upon returning home to San Diego, Tina launched a new shirt collection based on her discussions with other women riders and her own special brand of Rude Biker Chick ferocity. Her collection isn’t for the faint of heart.  In Tina’s own words,

Rude Biker Chick shirts are for all of the women who've had enough of being a doormat and are ready to take a stand and declare their independence, power and value… these shirts are the battle cry of the weary wives, grumbling girlfriends, abused employees, frustrated friends and left-behind lovers who won't take it anymore. They are for the mild mannered too, who don't want to shout it out, but simply wear their words as a badge of honor. They are to bring women together; to support, encourage, and laugh with one another.”

Not A Nice Lady
You can check out the line for yourself at www.RudeBikerChick.com.  You won’t find something suitable to wear in most office environments… but, you might find just the thing to make a bold statement at the next biker rally or poker run. 

Tina Walker will never be viewed as a conformist and most likely any woman who wears a shirt from her line won’t be either.  This is a good thing.  We need people who aren't afraid to be different, people who aren't afraid to shock us out of our comfort zone, people who are empowered.  These are the people that embrace freedom and are willing to stand-up for what they believe.
It Ain't Gonna Lick Itself

So, which would you prefer, the politically correct pansy wearing a shirt that shouts, “Save the Whales!” or a rude biker chick wearing a shirt that boldly proclaims, "It Ain't Gonna Lick Itself"?  

I chose to Live Free, Ride Hard, and Be Happy!

Learn More About Tina and Steve's Adventures at Road Pickle
Learn More About Web Design at TooMuch Tina
Check out Tina's Blog at www.sashmouth.com
Check out Steve's Motorcycle Philosophy Blog


  1. Give me a Rude Biker Chick any day!!

    I saw on the news the other day they were trying to ban the word boss because it confuses little girls and they should be called leaders instead. Really? How PC do we need to be?

    I've had people tell me I usually say what they are thinking, but they don't have the nerve to say it. I don't know if that is good or not, but I don't usually sugar coat things either.

    1. Trobairitz,

      I think we've gone overboard in the PC department, but, I'm glad not everyone has jumped on the PC train. Good on you for speaking your mind and not being afraid to tell it like it is. Way too many people need a reality check these days.


  2. It's actually the word bossy, when referring to assertive women.


    Kinda like rude biker guys get called bad ass, while rude biker chicks get called bitch.

    1. Who Knows,

      That's a pretty sad commentary on the girl scouts...and just one more example of going too far with political correctness. I've known bossy men and women...and it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Sometimes I think we let words become too powerful.


  3. Little kids will often say things and do things that we adults see as cute. But when an adult does them, it's often seen as aggressive or inconsiderate. As far as being a non-conformist, she's really just trying to stay in touch with the little girl inside her and be true to her. Her poetry book, "Finding Christ Inside", is about surviving her tumultuous teen years by holding on to the last shreds of purity inside herself.

    1. Steve,

      We all need to stay in touch with the children inside us...as adults we have a tendency to take ourselves way too seriously. Thanks for commenting and showing us another facet of Tina.


  4. Thanks Curt and thanks All for the support. Yeah, I like to consider myself just sincere, not necessarily badass or mean or sensitive, but I guess those are labels others place on us. I was truly shocked to find that we don't all think the same way about things as I've grown up. I just thought everyone "knew" the same basic things and we all made choices to treat it differently. Funny how kids think and then how we grow up not realizing how the old thinking affects us as adults.

    Thanks again Curt! Trobairitz, I'm really glad you're not sugar coating your words. It doesn't do any good for anyone. Tactful, yes. But not dishonest.


  5. I think we should all say what we feel is right and be true to that. There is difference in being purposely being rude and obnoxious as opposed to being fun and outgoing. Girls need good mentors just like boys do when they are young. Being "bossy" is just a word we all grew up on and has nothing to do with being "confident". There is a difference. I like reading her blog and many others, just because of the difference in all of us. Its great and that is the way the world is... different.

    1. KT Did,

      I definitely agree, there is a difference in purposely being rude and obnoxious as opposed to being fun and outgoing. I appreciate folks who can be themselves...it makes things much more interesting! :-)


  6. It isn't too often that I fling out four letter words on my blog, but my readers never walk away not knowing what I mean or how I feel. We all have a voice that is ours and we all have a style that we like to read. To each his own. I think what is most important is relaying the story or the message in a way that keeps the reader coming back.

    1. iedarla,

      Very well said. It is the message/story that keeps folks reading...I only hope that as I get better that more folks will read my blog. I've discovered for myself the philosophy of Live Free, Ride Hard, and Be Happy applies to all areas of life...not just motorcycling.

      Please share a link to your blog.


    2. Keep the Rubber side down and keep up the good work. You can find me here

  7. Politically correct pansies have their place. They give us someone to shock and offend with the truth.
